He did the first masterplan of Legends in Dubailand. Now he is working on the Client’s side on a mega project for 250,000 people in Oman. We spoke to him about ‘The Blue City’.

Men & Architecture

October 2007


“Mr. Shahram. Every time we call you, your secretary is telling us that you are in Oman. What are you doing there all the time?”

Shahram Foroughi

“We are working on a new project. lt is called The Blue City. Located on a natural peninsula 90 kilometres from Muscat, The Blue City is a 32 square kilometre waterfront city being built along 16 kilometres of shoreline adjacent to the Gulf of Oman.”


“Very impressive. Can you give us a little more hard facts please.”

Shahram Foroughi

“Blue City is more than just a resort real estate development; the city is being designed and built to include all the elements needed for a thriving metropolitan community. When completed, the city will be home to 250,000 people who will live, learn, work, relax and play in surroundings that are harmonious with the existing Omani landscape, architecture and culture.”


“Who is the Client behind the project?”

Shahram Foroughi

“The organization behind the project is Al Sawadi Investment & Tourism Company which has the endorsement of the government of Oman to bring this massive urban development to life.”


“A project of this size should do more than just attract tourists.”

Shahram Foroughi

“Blue City will serve as a growth engine for the Omani economy and will radically expand the tourism facilities in Oman. The city will generate large scale employment opportunities for Omani nationals, promote freehold property ownership for nationals and expatriates alike and serve as a hub for leisure activities in the sultanate. The Blue City is one of the most important metropolitan developments underway in Oman and its first phase, underwritten by a USS 2 billion finance note on the Global

Capital Market, is set to commence construction immediately.”


“What exactly is your job on the project?”

Shahram Foroughi

“We are hired directly by the owner. We are working with the project team of internationally renowned consultants on the masterplan as a representative of the owner and we are coordinating owner’s efforts with all the consultants. It is a kind of project coordination.”


“lt seems not a normal development, isn’t it?”

Shahram Foroughi

“We are very excited about the project. This is not a real estate development. it is going beyond the real estate. The challenge is how this project can impact the economy and the job creation process. Tourism is an important pan of the scheme as well. The way the different phases of the project are being implemented is unique. Everybody is proud. An identity will be created. This is the project for the Z1st century for Oman.”


“What about the aspect of Omani architecture — of Omani culture?”

Shahram Foroughi

“This is what we are thinking over and over all the time. We are all working on solutions how we can implement Omani culture and architecture into the project. This is more than just copying architectural elements from the past. lt’s more about creating a sustainable city respecting the environment and community values.”


“What exactly is your job on the project?”

Shahram Foroughi

“The project will be built over stages. There will be residential, hospitality and commercial components, and educational facilities with schools and universities – the demand is very high for education – we will have an architectural school with emphasis on Islamic Architecture. We will implement a business park: It’s all about sustainability. We will find companies who are working with new technologies related to our program. In the field of architecture we are talking about saving energy, doing researches about building materials and facilities. Another program is related to the topic of health – so hospitals and so on.”


“How is the situation on site?”

Shahram Foroughi

“The contractor is on board. We have already started with the construction of the labour accommodation. The project will be launched to the public before end of this year and we will start construction in December.”


“Please describe the target group for this project.”

Shahram Foroughi

“The target group is a mixture of Omani people and people from the GCC and expatriates.”


“The problem with those projects is always that it is sold out after two days to investors but nobody knows who really will live there.”

Shahram Foroughi

“This is exactly one of the big challenges. The developer does not want to follow the usual circle of just develop and sell. Sure selling is important. But everything is about sustainability. The area is virgin. The environment is very clean. The government is conservative. They have their own feature of Omani culture and of living there. The client wants to create a real, special, sustainable new city.”


“What is special about this project, as you said it‘s more than a property development.”

Shahram Foroughi

“We will include the local population in all parts of the project starting now with the workers. The Omani people are very active, very well educated and they know what they want. I was surprised because I am dealing a lot with the people there. Not everybody wants to become a manager or a CEO.”


“You are specialised in theme parks. The Legends project in Dubai carries your signature. Is something similar planned also in Oman?”

Shahram Foroughi

“At the moment this is not the immediate target. We will see what will happen later on. You need the right market, it’s not just a question of building a theme park. You have to go through the process and develop the product stage by stage.”


“Mr. Shahram, thanks again for a very nice talk.”

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